Do You Consider Life-Size Sex Dolls as Family Members?

For some people, sex dolls are more than just sexual aids; they are important companions, and sometimes even regarded as family members.

For some people, sex dolls are more than just sexual aids; they are important companions, and sometimes even regarded as family members. These individuals often name their dolls, form emotional bonds with them, and treat them as if they were part of a real relationship. While this may sound unusual, research suggests that humans can easily develop feelings and attachments to objects that exhibit human-like characteristics, even if they are not alive.

Companionship and Control

Sex dolls offer a unique kind of companionship. They allow individuals to satisfy their sexual desires without the risk of rejection or emotional hurt. Unlike human partners, sexdolls are always compliant and never make demands or complaints. This creates a completely controlled relationship where there is no need for compromise or conflict. For some, this can fulfill a deep-seated need for control and a sense of being needed.

Risks of Emotional Dependence

However, treating TPE sex dolls as real intimate partners and family members carries certain risks. Over-reliance on sex dolls can lead to social isolation and depression, as the user might alienate themselves from real human relationships. While sex dolls can provide temporary satisfaction, they cannot replace the genuine emotional connections and interactions that come from relationships with real people.

Balancing Real and Artificial Relationships

Whether sex dolls can be considered family members is a complex issue. It depends on individual needs, the role the sex doll plays in one’s life, and the balance with real-life relationships. For some, sex dolls are ideal companions that provide lasting satisfaction and happiness. However, it's important to recognize that they cannot fully replace human relationships. Ultimately, it's a matter of personal choice. As long as it doesn't harm oneself or others, choosing a lifestyle that includes sex dolls can be valid and fulfilling.

Psychological Aspects

Life-size sex dolls can serve as substitutes for real-life relationships, offering satisfaction and a sense of control. Some people might turn to sex dolls because they are dissatisfied with real-life interactions, struggle to form better relationships or have unmet psychological needs. In the virtual world of doll companionship, these needs can be met. Sex dolls can fulfill fantasies and desires that might not be achievable with real partners. It's essential to understand that sex is not inherently dirty, and the choice to use custom sex dolls is a personal one.


Sex dolls can play a significant role in fulfilling personal needs and desires. For some, they become beloved companions and even part of the family. However, it’s crucial to balance these artificial relationships with real human connections to avoid social isolation. Embracing sex dolls as a part of one's lifestyle is a personal decision, and as long as it brings happiness without causing harm, it is a valid choice.


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