Lord found me.

And I found him. By Kaylee Nicolas.

Thankfully, God still loves us and came to earth as Jesus, who died to take away our sins.  He promises that we can have a relationship with God only through faith in him.  This means that relationship with Him “is a gift from God, not from [good deeds]” (Ephesians 2:8-9).   I didn’t want to accept this truth.  


I tried my hardest for months to do good things to earn the right to know God, but I failed every time.  


One day in church, I tried to sing a song of worship to please God.  However, my voice sounded awful and I felt I was failing.  Then, as if God came down and touched me, I had a sudden understanding that He didn’t care what I could do for Him.  He loved me anyway. Then He told me to stop fighting Him and follow Jesus.  


That day I confessed to God that I was a sinner and that I couldn’t save myself.
He saved me!

Kaylee Nicolas

3 My Testimonies posts
